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Career Coaching for Teenagers & Young Adults

Image by Andrew Ridley
What is
Career Coaching?
Image by Andrew Ridley
What is
Career Coaching?

Career coaching is a type of personal coaching that helps you find greater fulfilment in your career path by helping you to:


  • establish professional goals;

  • create a career plan and ;

  • identify and develop tools to overcome obstacles that may be in the way to achieving success


Whether you are at the beginning of the journey, or are a new graduate fresh out of college or university, nearing retirement and want to start a whole new career, a career coach can help ease the transition and get you where you want to go quicker and with less stress.

Who should consider
Career Coaching?
THE BEDROCK PROGRAM - icon tagline color.png


Teenagers who are truly struggling to figure out a path to explore with guidance counselors, should use a career coach to develop clarity and find the focus to feel more confident as they embark on majors, course selection, and internships. University & Colleges are a costly endeavour, over 78% of college graduates change their majors at least once, a cost (especially if you are an international student) that adds up.

Young Adults

Looking out post-higher education can be daunting. A career coach can help you make sense of how to use that degree, where to focus and sell your newfound value, and how to get started. It is not only about the first job, but looking further afield at setting that career goal to drive future choices.



A career coach can provide assistance if you are currently employed, looking to transition to another industror if you are re-entering the workforce. Looking for work can be extremely isolating. We help you find direction when you lack focus and don’t know what your next steps are.

What is career Coaching


Child Counselor
What are the benefits to having a
Career Coach
THE BEDROCK PROGRAM - icon tagline color.png

As your career coach, we help you focus on what you really want to do and where you want to do it by identifying your values, interests, talents, and passion. We help you discover what is really important to you and structure how that relates to finding success within your ideal career.


When working with us, you have regular coaching sessions (by phone, online, or in person) which provide structure and stability to your career development, &/or transition and we assist in developing a plan to achieve your career goals. Together, we develop a program to suit your needs and meet you where you are, whether at a career development or at a crossroads. As your career coach, we help you to achieve and/or exceed your goals, far faster than you would on your own.​


At the heart of it all, we actively listen to what you are saying and what isn't being said. We create a safe environment where you are comfortable and can speak without fear or judgment. Working with a coach provides you with the necessary support to move forward. We help you identify where you are stuck, what the obstacles are between you and your dream job, and help you identify the path to what you really want to pursue.

How Does Career Coaching 
THE BEDROCK PROGRAM - icon tagline color.png

As career coaches, we help you find a career you will love. A career where the work you do, you will enjoy doing, in a company you will love to work in, in a career that you will love to pursue and get better at over time.


We do this by offering a number of services that are relevant depending on where you are in life. The range of services can begin with personal development, where we help you answer the bigger questions in your future work-life such as “How do you want to be remembered?", What are your criteria for success?”, and “What do you really want and enjoy doing?” We also work with our clients on technical job searching services such as resume writing, getting internships, preparing for interviews, and developing job searching skills.

Overall, career coaching creates confidence. Career coaching provides you with fresh perspectives on the challenges and opportunities when identifying a new focus on your career path. We provide our clients with better awareness of their strengths, accomplishments, and unique value proposition. 



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